Friday, April 26, 2013

No Daud I'm done with puns ... until next time.

Knife of Dunwall is short, only 3 missions. If you explore all of the maps and look for all of the secret things you'll spend about 6 - 8 on each run, which considering that's about the run time of Dishonored if you just run through the game, that's not too bad. I actually enjoyed this over the game it was made for. Oh right review.

Xbox news?

With my digging around the internet I have found several sources that have confirmed that the next Xbox is going to be "Always on, Always connected." However the details of this haven't been fully disclosed. What most have decided about this is that the new system will not be allowed to do anything without a constant internet connection. This is the most widely accepted theory about the new system and was confirmed by a source "inside" Microsoft. This connection is based on the current trend of DRM (Digital Rights Management,) software to come with some newer PC games. These prevent you from playing a game without a constant internet connection. However, with the new Xbox you will not even be able to turn on the system.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

So only a year after the very disappointing, kill red coats because they killed your family, could have had a much better ending Assassin's Creed III, Ubisoft felt it was a good idea to try to release Assassin Creed IV: Black Flag. With the advent of naval combat in ACIII and a strange family twist, Ubisoft felt they could do more with the combat and expand on the Family.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

No Daud I'll love this.

Pun pun pun pun. Apologies for ignoring this part of my blog. When I find decent news I tend to talk about it with the people around me or spam my Facebook with it and forget to writing something here about it. (I missed the whole Adam Orth ordeal T.T, who is now fired.)


Assassins Creed 3 Review

Once again you are following the story of Desmond and one of his ancestors. This time it's Ratonhnhaké:ton and he takes a step back and reads out of Altiar's book and isn't as ... let's say ... charismatic as Ezio, however he can swim.

Mass Effect Reviews

Mass Effect 1:

Mass Effect 2:

Mass Effect 3:

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cover Based shooters

Now don't take this the wrong way, but most cover based shooters are a disease among the current generation of shooters. I'm not saying that every single one is bad or that some of them aren't put together well, but ... no wait that's exactly what I'm saying. Let's take some games, for an example of good and bad: Mass Effect, Gears of War, Spec Ops: The Line and Max Payne.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tutorial Rant

Do you remember a time when video games weren't bogged down by bad tutorial levels, that you were forced to play? I do, but I haven't really played one since the N64 and maybe the Playsation 1. Today it seems like the big shot video game companies think that everyone in its consumer base suffers from some sort of mental deficiency.

Durango News

"Every Durango console will have a hard drive, although its exact capacity has not been chosen," reads help documentation in the Durango XDK. "It will be large enough, however, to hold a large number of games. All games will be installed on the hard drive. Play from the optical disc will not be supported."

The Time of Quiet is Over

I kept a low profile the past few weeks, minus the two Mass Effect reviews I did the past two days in a way to try to make up for the silence. One of the reasons for the silence was, as I explained in part one of the reviews, were mid-terms and break. The other reason was that I was trying to get my blogs set together and make everything look good. As previously mentioned, I have some of my friends helping me with a new background and a new picture.

I have some interesting things I'd like to talk about in the News portion of my blog, but that will have to wait until later after I sleep, as it's 3 in the morning. Also if you haven't noticed, if you look above there's another blog: Socratic Recollection. In this blog I will be trying to portray my feelings on how the gaming industry has lost touch with its consumers and where they need to change before everything collapses on itself.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Finally a Home page!

After I don't know how long, I've finally decided to make this blog look a bit more official. Sure, I'm using a third party to host the blog and it may be a bit apparent, but as long as you can read everything and they are reliable, who cares. :D

So anyway, I'll try to keep all the not so game related updates here and I'll try to remember to put a post here to remind everyone who visits whats new. Hopefully I'll be getting a background and a new profile picture (drawn by some of my best friends) in here soon (I'll include links to their art if they so wish when everything is said and done), so keep an eye out for that.

I should be including some other pages in here soon so keep looking at the tabs up top for new entries  If I'm lucky I'll figure outa way to make it so the tabs change color when I post something new. Happy reading and good gaming.